Monday, November 23, 2015

Blood pressure calculator for the eldery

Blood pressure and physical activity
The pressure in the blood circulatory system can be divided into the arterial and venous blood pressure.
Below we will discuss only the arterial blood pressure.
With each heart contraction of the left ventricular blood is ejected into the aorta. Since the peripheral vasculature because of their resistance does not give effect to the blood flowed quickly as expressed from the heart, some of the blood stored in the aorta and other arteries.

Blood pressure can be easily calculated using a blood pressure calculator. Keep in mind though that this tool cannot be totally accurate. Use blood pressure calculator at your own risk.

This store may lead to increased pressure and increased pressure wave travels to the distant branches of the entire arterial system. Traveling wave of increased pressure and consequent expansion and contraction of the arteries can be felt on any surface artery as the heartbeat or pulse.
The blood pressure changes with time periodically varies and is dependent on the cardiac cycle. The pressure is highest during the expulsion of blood from the heart (systolic blood pressure) and lowest among cardiac relaxation (diastolic blood pressure). In young, healthy person is resting value of systolic pressure about 120 mm Hg, diastolic pressure value is approximately 80 mm Hg. To assess vascular congestion but still used the calculated median blood pressure (SV). This value reflects the average pressure throughout the cardiac cikus. Since the diastolic phase lasts slightly longer than the systolic, the mean blood pressure greater than the average systolic and diastolic pressure.
The formula for calculating the mean arterial blood pressure is:
SV = diastolic blood pressure + [(systolic pressure - diastolic pressure) / 3]
Various forms of physical activity have on the blood pressure of the various effects. Below are the most frequent.Blood pressure and weight training
Acute effects
In practice that requires powerful contractions of the muscles (eg. Training with weights, sprint events) occur to an acute increase in blood pressure. Due to mechanical compression by muscles during shrinking out on a peripheral artery, to reduce blood flow through this muscle. In order to maintain the normal flow, thereby Provision of the muscles with oxygen and nutrients, to increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and, consequently, cardiac output (volume of blood squeezed per minute), and blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure also helps Valsalva maneuver, ie, strong exhalation in a sealed airway, which can be used to overcome the heavy loads or explosive, violent movement. The pressure during exercise execution varies depending on the phase of implementation (eg .: during lifting weights pressure to rise, then reduced slightly, and the lowering weights to rise again.
Increase in blood pressure is directly related to the intensity of exercise, the amount of activated muscle mass and potential dodatmin mechanical pressure on the chest (stronger Valsalva maneuver). Exercise in which the activated more muscle mass and / or the intensity of the major causes the sharp increase in blood pressure.
In the case of the maximum efforts are so pressure may be increased to 250/150 mm Hg, in the studies were measured as the values ​​are higher than 320/250 (the maximum was measured at the foot thrust on the device - 480/350 mm Hg).
Chronic effects
Although the acute increase in blood pressure in training with weights a lot, but in the long run, this type of training does not lead to lasting change. On the contrary, numerous studies have shown that regular exercise with weights over time even reduces the acute effects and - particularly in people with high blood pressure - reduces blood pressure at rest (approximately 2% to 4% in systolic and diastolic blood pressure). The circular exercise to be as effective as conventional weight training (approx. 70 - 100% MHMK).

Blood pressure and low intensity rhythmical activities
Among nizkointenzivno rhythmic exercise like. slow jogging, the active musculature in the blood vessels expand, reducing the total peripheral resistance and increase flow through a majority of the peripheral vasculature, as well as the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles helps to power the blood through the circulatory system and its return to the heart. Both systolic blood pressure at the beginning of the exercise until it comes to these adjustments is growing rapidly, after a few minutes, however, stabilized at about 150 mm Hg. Diastolic blood pressure is the nizkointenzivno rhythmic activity in healthy humans hardly varies due to the expansion of peripheral blood vessels may be even slightly reduced.

Keywords: blood pressure, blood pressure calculator, calculate blood pressure
