Blood pressure and physical activity
The pressure in the blood circulatory system can be divided into the arterial and venous blood pressure. Below we will discuss only the arterial blood pressure.
With each heart contraction of the left ventricular blood is ejected into the aorta. Since
the peripheral vasculature because of their resistance does not give
effect to the blood flowed quickly as expressed from the heart, some of
the blood stored in the aorta and other arteries.
Blood pressure can be easily calculated using a blood pressure calculator. Keep in mind though that this tool cannot be totally accurate. Use blood pressure calculator at your own risk.
store may lead to increased pressure and increased pressure wave
travels to the distant branches of the entire arterial system. Traveling wave of increased pressure and consequent expansion and
contraction of the arteries can be felt on any surface artery as the
heartbeat or pulse.
The blood pressure changes with time periodically varies and is dependent on the cardiac cycle. The
pressure is highest during the expulsion of blood from the heart
(systolic blood pressure) and lowest among cardiac relaxation (diastolic
blood pressure). In
young, healthy person is resting value of systolic pressure about 120
mm Hg, diastolic pressure value is approximately 80 mm Hg. To assess vascular congestion but still used the calculated median blood pressure (SV). This value reflects the average pressure throughout the cardiac cikus. Since the diastolic phase lasts slightly longer than the systolic, the
mean blood pressure greater than the average systolic and diastolic
The formula for calculating the mean arterial blood pressure is:
SV = diastolic blood pressure + [(systolic pressure - diastolic pressure) / 3]
Various forms of physical activity have on the blood pressure of the various effects. Below are the most frequent.Blood pressure and weight training
Acute effects
practice that requires powerful contractions of the muscles (eg.
Training with weights, sprint events) occur to an acute increase in
blood pressure. Due to mechanical compression by muscles during shrinking out on a peripheral artery, to reduce blood flow through this muscle. In
order to maintain the normal flow, thereby Provision of the muscles
with oxygen and nutrients, to increase the activity of the sympathetic
nervous system and, consequently, cardiac output (volume of blood
squeezed per minute), and blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure also helps Valsalva maneuver, ie, strong exhalation in a sealed airway, which can be used to overcome the heavy loads or explosive, violent movement. The pressure during exercise execution varies depending on the phase
of implementation (eg .: during lifting weights pressure to rise, then
reduced slightly, and the lowering weights to rise again.
in blood pressure is directly related to the intensity of exercise, the
amount of activated muscle mass and potential dodatmin mechanical
pressure on the chest (stronger Valsalva maneuver). Exercise in which the activated more muscle mass and / or the
intensity of the major causes the sharp increase in blood pressure.
In the case of the maximum efforts are so pressure may be increased to
250/150 mm Hg, in the studies were measured as the values are higher
than 320/250 (the maximum was measured at the foot thrust on the device -
480/350 mm Hg).
Chronic effects
the acute increase in blood pressure in training with weights a lot,
but in the long run, this type of training does not lead to lasting
change. On
the contrary, numerous studies have shown that regular exercise with
weights over time even reduces the acute effects and - particularly in
people with high blood pressure - reduces blood pressure at rest
(approximately 2% to 4% in systolic and diastolic blood pressure). The circular exercise to be as effective as conventional weight training (approx. 70 - 100% MHMK).
Blood pressure and low intensity rhythmical activities
Among nizkointenzivno rhythmic exercise like. slow
jogging, the active musculature in the blood vessels expand, reducing
the total peripheral resistance and increase flow through a majority of
the peripheral vasculature, as well as the rhythmic contraction and
relaxation of muscles helps to power the blood through the circulatory
system and its return to the heart. Both
systolic blood pressure at the beginning of the exercise until it comes
to these adjustments is growing rapidly, after a few minutes, however,
stabilized at about 150 mm Hg. Diastolic
blood pressure is the nizkointenzivno rhythmic activity in healthy
humans hardly varies due to the expansion of peripheral blood vessels
may be even slightly reduced.
Keywords: blood pressure, blood pressure calculator, calculate blood pressure
Monday, November 23, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
Blood sugar levels chart for patients who needs it
When it comes to my lifestyle I believe I do things pretty well. I am not a role model that is for sure but I think, for the most part, I am a pretty good Diabetic.
I check my blood sugar 6-12 times a day, I watch what I eat and make sure that I account for all carbs that I put in my body, I exercise and go to the gym every opportunity that I can. For measuring blood sugar levels chart is use a blood sugar levels chart and compare my results. Here's additional blood sugar levels chart for your consideration and your use. Blood sugar levels chart is particularly useful when you need it most - when assessing blood sugar levels. By using an accurate and up-to-date blood sugar levels chart you will do yourself a favour.
I think that sounds like a pretty good Diabetic.
Well, there is one area when I have not been doing very well: Doctors visits. I can honestly say, that is has been a year since my last visit to the Endo. I was seeing him every 3 months, getting my blood work done printing out my logs for him to review.
Well, like everyone else on this earth, especially us Diabetics, life happened. Work gets busy, kids have school functions, home life crises happen (like my divorce) and things start to take a back burner. Now, during the time where I was a very “good Diabetic” and was making all of my regular visits to my Endo, He really wasn’t telling me anything that I couldn’t see in my logs and wasn’t making any adjustments that I couldn’t see coming anyway. In fact, some of the changes he suggested, I had to suggested different changes due to the fact that I know better how I react to basal rate and insulin to carb ratio changes better than he knows when it comes to my body. So, what I am saying is that the only thing that I was truly getting out of the visits was finding out what my A1c was.
So, I know that I need to go and visit my Endo again soon (I am not arguing that) so I will be making an appointment for that soon. The thing I really need to look at is how often do I really need to be seeing my Endo if my numbers are staying in good ranges (other than the occasional explained / unexplained head scratchers) I am more than willing to go see him if I am having issues that I can not figure out myself or that I need something that only he can prescribe or explain, but if I am going to go in, pay my $20.00 copay and listen to him say, “things are looking pretty good. maybe we can adjust this a little here and a little here…” well, I think I can stretch my visits out to something a little further and ever 3 months.
I’d be very interested to hear how much help everyone’s Endo visits are for you. Maybe I am more of a minority in this view but I would love to hear others input and experiences on this.
I check my blood sugar 6-12 times a day, I watch what I eat and make sure that I account for all carbs that I put in my body, I exercise and go to the gym every opportunity that I can. For measuring blood sugar levels chart is use a blood sugar levels chart and compare my results. Here's additional blood sugar levels chart for your consideration and your use. Blood sugar levels chart is particularly useful when you need it most - when assessing blood sugar levels. By using an accurate and up-to-date blood sugar levels chart you will do yourself a favour.
I think that sounds like a pretty good Diabetic.
Well, there is one area when I have not been doing very well: Doctors visits. I can honestly say, that is has been a year since my last visit to the Endo. I was seeing him every 3 months, getting my blood work done printing out my logs for him to review.
Well, like everyone else on this earth, especially us Diabetics, life happened. Work gets busy, kids have school functions, home life crises happen (like my divorce) and things start to take a back burner. Now, during the time where I was a very “good Diabetic” and was making all of my regular visits to my Endo, He really wasn’t telling me anything that I couldn’t see in my logs and wasn’t making any adjustments that I couldn’t see coming anyway. In fact, some of the changes he suggested, I had to suggested different changes due to the fact that I know better how I react to basal rate and insulin to carb ratio changes better than he knows when it comes to my body. So, what I am saying is that the only thing that I was truly getting out of the visits was finding out what my A1c was.
So, I know that I need to go and visit my Endo again soon (I am not arguing that) so I will be making an appointment for that soon. The thing I really need to look at is how often do I really need to be seeing my Endo if my numbers are staying in good ranges (other than the occasional explained / unexplained head scratchers) I am more than willing to go see him if I am having issues that I can not figure out myself or that I need something that only he can prescribe or explain, but if I am going to go in, pay my $20.00 copay and listen to him say, “things are looking pretty good. maybe we can adjust this a little here and a little here…” well, I think I can stretch my visits out to something a little further and ever 3 months.
I’d be very interested to hear how much help everyone’s Endo visits are for you. Maybe I am more of a minority in this view but I would love to hear others input and experiences on this.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Getting rid of love handles is no easy task
That's right. Love handles, or muffin top as certain people name them, are stored fat reserve that accumulated on your body due to excessive calorie intake. Love handles are in no way different than for example fat on your buttock, or fat on your stomach.
Here's a list of quick measures you can take in order to get rid of love handles (see below).
The most important thing that needs to change is patients attitudes toward antibiotics and medications in general. Doctors have already recognized that there need to cut back in the unnecessary use of antibiotics. Now patients need to change their attitudes towards drugs such as antibiotics.
Left over prescriptions should not be passed on to friends and family. Without a prescription these antibiotics are more likely to be used unnecessarily. Drug action doesn't have discretion between the "good" and "bad" bacteria in the body. Killing the bacteria of the "microbiome" can cause additional harm to the body but will aid in weight loss and getting rid of love handles.
Some attempt to blame obesity on something other than bad eating habits and horrible food additives. Some tend to gain weight on antibiotics. But unless you are on them non-stop, it's relatively easy to lose the few pounds again. Their effect on intestinal flora is well-known.
Lastly, patients should also not always expect to get some kind of prescription every time they visit the doctor's office. Although doctors know the consequences of over-prescribing, sometimes they succumb to patient pressures. Oftentimes rest and fluids is the best prescription, even if it seems as though it was a waste of time to come all the way to a doctor's office for them to tell you that.
Is there a way to get rid of love handles?
Of course there is. In fact, healthiack has a nice article on how to get rid of love handles and NYtimes writes about love handles too - I suggest you read both articles thoroughly. It basically says that getting rid of love handles takes a lot of time and patience. In contrast to obtaining body fat losing body fat is no simple task. Many will give up before the end. But the main thing here is consistency. If you want to get rid of love handles you will need to work hard and be dedicated.Here's a list of quick measures you can take in order to get rid of love handles (see below).
- start exercising regularly,
- eat more healthy food (and not shitty food),
- get some decent sleep (rest),
- join a local gym.
What is the time-frame for this recipe to work?
Well, you need to accept the fact that results are not instant. On the contrary, results will come over weeks, maybe months. The important thing is not to give up in between. It is the same with antibiotics.The most important thing that needs to change is patients attitudes toward antibiotics and medications in general. Doctors have already recognized that there need to cut back in the unnecessary use of antibiotics. Now patients need to change their attitudes towards drugs such as antibiotics.
Compliance is also the key
Patients need to comply and finish their prescriptions despite how good they feel after taking a few doses. When a patient stops taking an antibiotic mid cycle they risk increasing the resistance of the remaining bacteria in their body. Non-resistant bacteria can even acquire resistance from other resistant bacteria. Secondly, patients should also recognize when they are prescribed a particular drug, it is for their particular infection, in their body, at that time.Left over prescriptions should not be passed on to friends and family. Without a prescription these antibiotics are more likely to be used unnecessarily. Drug action doesn't have discretion between the "good" and "bad" bacteria in the body. Killing the bacteria of the "microbiome" can cause additional harm to the body but will aid in weight loss and getting rid of love handles.
Some attempt to blame obesity on something other than bad eating habits and horrible food additives. Some tend to gain weight on antibiotics. But unless you are on them non-stop, it's relatively easy to lose the few pounds again. Their effect on intestinal flora is well-known.
Lastly, patients should also not always expect to get some kind of prescription every time they visit the doctor's office. Although doctors know the consequences of over-prescribing, sometimes they succumb to patient pressures. Oftentimes rest and fluids is the best prescription, even if it seems as though it was a waste of time to come all the way to a doctor's office for them to tell you that.
So what to do?
Again, keep the pace up and don't give up. Love handles might not be the most visually appealing thing to see, but these are purely natural. At some point in love every individual will develop love handles because human organism is design to save energy for bad times when no food is at hand. This is more of a legacy mechanism from years ago when food was no in excess.Sunday, March 22, 2015
Coffee Beans Roasting Recipes
Some people say that green coffee is the second most popular commodity for trading worldwide, it falls just behind crude oil on the list.Because of the amount of caffeine it contains, coffee may provide a stimulating impact on some people.
Coffee is internationally popular in today’s world. It is thought that the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant was first recognized in the south west of Ethiopia, and the cultivation of coffee expanded in the Arab world.
In the sufi monasteries of the yemen in southern arabia is the earliest credible evifence of coffee drinking. kona mountain coffee From the Monotheism world, seed propagate to Italia, then to the suspension of Continent, to Land, and to the Americas. Coffee berries and their seeds go through a variety of processes before becoming roasted coffee beans.
First the coffee berries, by hand, are picked. The beans are fermented to remove the slimy layer of mucilage, and the berries are sorted by both their color and their degree of ripeness while the flesh of the berry is removed by machine.
Friday, February 20, 2015
So I've heard you'd like to burn the fat off
It won't be easy
But I'm sure you already know that. Burning fat is something we all want to do. And by burning fat I mean burning fat off on only specific places. For women that's thighs and buttocks and for men it's stomach area. And you need to get your heart rate right, too. But I'll talk about heart rate in few seconds.So, like already mentioned, burning fat is not that simple. First off you need to set your diet straight. Avoid fat and sugar as much as possible. Use fat burning heart rate calculator and calculate your ideal heart rate for fat burning.
That would be step 1 and step 2. After that it get's a bit easier. You need to start exercising.
Why exercising when you can sit back and watch television? Well, if you'd like that than your six pack will never be visible. Unless you're a genetic freak and have a very good metabolism. Body fat plays an important role here. Also, you will need to assess your basal metabolic rate (BMR) to see where you fit.A study has been made on this topic. If you go to the original study you'll find one glaring omission. The group that had breakfast before exercise were given carbohydrates prior, during and after exercise. The fasting group only received them in the afternoon. Ingestion of carbohydrate prior to exercise shifts working metabolism to glucose metabolism due to the interference of insulin. Insulin, an anabolic hormone will prevent the body from utilizing free fatty acids as an energy source during exercise. Consult the first paragraph on carbohydrate metabolism in a textbook of work physiology. So it wasn't whether the subjects worked out fasting or not. It depended upon what was ingested prior to exercise.
Give the non fasting group nuts or peanut butter 30 minutes prior to exercise and re do the study. You will likely see a shift to fat metabolism as an energy source due to the use of triglycerides /fatty acids. Glute 4 transfer proteins become much more active in this situation.
I just had a thought. Many people use this study to argue that exercise might help with maintaining weight but not weight loss.
Perhaps exercise doesn't usually lead to weight loss when people are *stuffing* themselves like they were in this study- that is eating more food than is normal. Exercise can often prevent or at least limit weight gain under this circumstance, but it usually won't lead to weight loss. Perhaps if they had two additional groups that kept to the diet they had been eating and had that group increase their exercise while not increasing their intake.
Surely, they would have lost weight.
They could have one group who exercises first thing in the morning and another who exercises after breakfast. Of course, keep the over-feeders in both the before and the after breakfast groups as well. And have a sedentary group that gorges, one that continues eating normally and a group that cuts their calories. In studies which produce weight loss by exercise, they often have a group that is "exercise without weight loss"- this group increases their exercise AND their intake. This would be the equivalent of this study. Studies in which people increase their exercise but continue eating at the level that maintained their weight before they increased their exercise usually lose weight.
That would be it for now.
Monday, February 09, 2015
My first post in 2015
This is my first post in 2015.
Quite late, to be honest. Anyways, here are my values for 2015. And I plan on carrying them on through the year.
- lose weight
- lose body fat
- get in shape
- run 1000 km in 1 year
1. I will lose weight
That's number 1. But it is harder done that said. My genetics aren't that good. I have to work hard in order to achieve this.
2. Body fat will be shredded.
3. Point 1 and 2 will take care of point 3.
4. I will try to run 1000 km which in turn means almost 10 kilometer run every second days. Seems hard, but will try to do it.
So, let's get back to work.
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