Sunday, December 01, 2013

BP Chart

Measuring BP

After measuring blood pressure you need to assess your numbers. Results may vary so it's best to perform 3 measurement in a row, with a 5 minute pause in between. A value of BP is expressed as 120/80 mmHg, where first number is systolic value and the second is diastolic value.

Assessing the values

After you measured your BP three times it is time to assess your score. For that you will need an accurate BP chart against which you can compare you BP score. If your values are lower than 120/80 this is considered optimal blood pressure. If your values are higher than 120/80 this may indicate pre-hypertension. You should consult your doctor for more information.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Drunk cats

I've found this video of cats that have a medical condition but looks like they are drunk. They walk funny and bounce from side to side. Here's a link to video of drunk cats. It's sad that these cats are ill, but there's nothing we can actually do about it. Go drunk cats! !:)

What to do if you cannot sleep at night?

If you are unable to sleep

There's plenty things you can do. First off think if you are under stress lately? Is you boss giving you a hard time? Do you have problems in your relationship? If there is no stress in your life than you should start analyzing your every day life routine. Do you do sports? Are you overweight? Do you have an illness? Do you take any drugs at the moment which may cause sleep problems as a side effect? You must eliminate your worries in order to sleep better. If you still cannot sleep than you should introduce a prior-to-sleep relaxation ritual. This can include taking a hot bath, reading a book, listening to a favorite CD at low volume and setting the bedroom temperature slightly lower than normal. Because room's temperature is lower your bed feel even warmer and your sleep will be more cozy. If above sleep tips does not help than perhaps you need to talk to some sleep therapist which will try to help you get better sleep. Adequate sleep is very important because when you sleep your body regenerates and your mind rests (except for dreaming). Sleep problems may lead to development of sleep disorder (such as insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome). If that is the case you should see your doctor and tell him / her about your newly developed condition.

Friday, September 13, 2013

How to lower cholesterol levels if your lifestyle changes don't work?

If you live a healthy lifestyle (healthy diet, weight reduction, regular physical activity, smoking cessation and limit alcohol consumption) and your levels of blood cholesterol are still not optimal than your doctor will prescribe you the appropriate medication. The most effective drugs are statins, which are the first choice for the treatment of elevated levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood.

By regularly taking statins, you can reduce nearly 60% of the cholesterol in the blood, especially of highly harmful LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol levels on the other hand at the same time increase by 5 to 15%.

Statins are safe and tested product as millions of patients are taking statins for more than 20 years. It was also made ​​them very much extensive research, which confirmed their safety and effectiveness in patients who were treated continuously for 10 years or more.

Independent of the reduction in blood cholesterol statins improve the flexibility of blood vessels, inhibit activation and tear of atherosclerotic plaque, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and regulate blood clotting. All of this brings many positive results. Studies have shown that statins reduce the overall mortality and morbidity due to cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke ...).

So if you have increased cholesterol levels and you can't do anything about it by yourself than it might be a good idea to talk to your personal doctor. He will suggest you action to lower you cholesterol levels.

Sleep insomnia problems


Did you know that one third of your life sleep? Have you imagined taking over the quality of your sleep? Are you also among those long hours silently watching the ceiling, counting sheep, your head is full of troubled thoughts and worries? Sleep is becoming shorter and shorter over the years and feather, which is a natural process that reflects changes in the central nervous system and other organ systems. Insomnia can happen if you are not sleeping well. Insomnia is one of the most frequent sleep problems. Given the rapid pace of life we often forget the healthy life and a healthy sleep. For a better night's sleep can do a lot just by changing your bad habits. They would wake you happy, rested and full of life energy.Did you know that one third of your life sleep? Have you imagined taking over the quality of your sleep? Are you also among those long hours silently watching the ceiling, counting sheep, your head is full of troubled thoughts and worries?Sleep is becoming shorter and shorter over the years and feather, which is a natural process that reflects changes in the central nervous system and other organ systems. Given the rapid pace of life we often forget the healthy life and a healthy sleep. For a better night's sleep can do a lot just by changing your bad habits. They would wake you happy, rested and full of life energy.healthy sleepSleep is not resting the brain, but an active process. Insomnia is a sleep problem.It consists of two periods alternate, reflecting varying degrees of brain nerve cells. These are non- REM sleep ( non- rapid eye movement sleep with slow - moving eye eyeballs ), also called quiet or deep sleep, and REM sleep ( rapid eye movement sleep to rapid - eye movement of the eyeballs ).REM sleep is also called active sleep. The average 7 - to 8 -hour night sleep, the periods of five exchange. Insomnia can happen to anyone. Period of non- REM sleep in the morning are all shorter intervals of REM sleep are all longer. Deep sleep occurs about half an hour after the body calms down and fall asleep. This period lasts about 40 minutes. Track REM sleep, during which the dream and a face moving at a speed of 1 to 5 Hz. The activity of the brain is in the REM sleep same activity in arousal, but physically muscle at this stage loss of tension, that the intense dreams not to be damaged. In addition to vital organs such as the lungs and heart, the only muscles that are paralyzed during sleep, your eye muscles. REM sleep is essential for learning and well-being.